所有和乐人教育签约的学生, 在和我们的顾问合作之前, 都需要签订一个“行为规范宣言”, 这个行为规范宣言基本上涵盖了我们相信的理念, 也是每一个申请合作的基础。
乐人教育不挑学生, 我们不会自动设置分数门槛, 挑选生源, 然后以学生申请到的“名牌大学” 来自夸。 但是乐人教育挑选家长, 我们希望和我们合作的家长, 认同我们的理念。
乐人教育顾问和学生行为规范宣言 (text HP to a PDF file with logo)
Honor Code Pledge
For counselor
I promise to be honest, honest to myself first, then to the outside world. I will not lie or purposely twist the facts.
我承诺首先对自己诚实, 然后对外界诚实。我不撒谎或者故意歪曲事实。
I will not be lazy to write essays for students. I recognize that Lehren Education’s essay editing role will be “Read and critique student written essays for clarity of ideas and effective communication. Assisting them in developing their own thinking which allows them to write their own unique story. “ I understand this approach means it may take more efforts and time than writing for students directly.
我不会为了偷懒直接给学生写申请文书。我认识到乐人教育的文书修改角色是:“阅读并评点学生所写的文书, 目的是厘清学生思路并帮助学生有效表达。帮助学生独立思考, 并撰写属于他们自己的独特故事。”我认识到这种做法意味着顾问要比那些直接替学生写文书的方法花更多的时间和精力。
I will commit my best efforts with no excuses, no procrastination. I will respect each other’s time , being prepared and being puncture for the scheduled meetings.
我将尽我的最大努力, 不找借口, 不拖延。 我将尊重彼此时间,对于约定好的会议, 事先做好充分准备并准时。
I see college application as a process of helping students to conduct self- searching, searching for who he/she is , whom he/she want to be. I will help students to learn the skills of “setting up goals, making efforts and achieving goals”. I refuse the temptation to compare students with others. Instead, I will measure him/her against the potential they have and the efforts they put in to realize their potentials.
我将大学申请视为一个帮助学生自我追寻和成长的过程,帮助他们思考”我是谁?我想成为什么样的人?“ 我将帮助学生学习:“设定目标, 付诸努力, 实现目标” 的技能。我拒绝把学生和其他人进行比较的诱惑。相反, 我将学生和他们的潜力、以及他们为实现潜力所付诸的努力进行比较。
I try not to have the fear of being judged, I will help student learn important life lessons such as “handle rejections with grace”, “aiming high and achieve high”
我尽力不怕被论断。 我将帮助学生学习人生的重要功课, 比如:“优雅地处理被拒绝”“树立远大目标并实现它” 。
I will think logically, and search best- fit schools for student. I refuse to fall into trap of “prestige” and “ranking”. I promise not pushing students to a “big name” school only for my self- ambition.
我将理性思考,帮助学生寻找最适合他们的学校。 我拒绝陷入“名气” 和“ 排名” 的陷阱。 我保证不会只为了一己的虚荣心, 将学生推进一个“大牌” 学校。
I will teach student important lessons of being responsible, including being responsible for final submission of the application materials. I promise to be as responsive as possible, and deliver my work before all deadlines.
我将教导学生关于责任的重要功课, 包括学生自己负责最终申请材料的递交。 我承诺会及时提供反馈, 并在所有截至日期之前提交我应该完成的工作。
Honor Code Pledge
For student
I promise to be honest, honest to myself first, then to the outside world. I will not lie or twist the facts.
我承诺首先对自己诚实, 然后对外界诚实。我不撒谎或者故意歪曲事实。
I will not expect Lehren Ed to write essays for me. I recognize that Lehren education’s essay editing role will be “Read and critique student written essays for clarity of ideas and effective communication. Assist them in developing their own thinking which allows them to write their own unique story. “
我不期待乐人教育为我操刀写申请文书。我认识到乐人教育的文书修改角色是:“阅读并评点学生所写的文书, 目的是厘清学生思路并帮助学生有效表达。帮助学生独立思考, 并撰写属于他们自己的独特故事。”
I will commit my best efforts with no excuses, no procrastination. I will respect each other’s time, being prepared and being puncture for the scheduled meetings.
我将尽我的最大努力, 不找借口, 不拖延。 我将尊重彼此时间,对于约定好的会议, 事先做好充分准备并准时。
I see college application as a process of self- searching, searching for who I am, whom I want to be. I will learn the skills of “setting up goals, making efforts and achieve goals”. I refuse the temptation to compare myself with others. Instead, I will measure myself with my own potential and the efforts I put in to realize my potential.
我将大学申请视为自我追寻和成长的过程, 寻找”我是谁?我想成为什么样的人?“ 我将学习:“设定目标, 付诸努力, 实现目标” 的技能。我拒绝把自己和他人进行比较的诱惑。相反, 我对自己的评价将建立在和我的潜力、以及我为实现潜力所付诸的努力进行比较。
I try not to have the fear of being judged, the feeling of being not good enough. I will learn important life lessons such as “handle rejections with grace”. “aiming high and achieve high”
我尽量不怕被论断,拒绝”我不够好“ 的感觉。 我将学习人生的重要功课, 比如:“优雅地处理被拒绝”“树立远大目标并实现它” 。
I will try my best to think logically, and search best- fit schools for me. I refuse to fall into trap of “prestige” and “ranking”. I am against of throwing applications to schools that are beyond reach, just to see what happens.
我将尽量理性思考,寻找最适合自己的学校。 我拒绝陷入“名气” 和“ 排名” 的陷阱。 我反对将申请递交到那些明显在自己能力之外的学校, 只是为了”碰碰运气。“
I recognize that I am responsible for final submission of the application materials. I take responsibility of missing deadlines given all necessary information is provided by Lehren Education before deadlines.
我认识到我将负责最终申请材料的递交。 若乐人教育实现已经做了全部工作, 我将承担错过截至日期的责任。
Success comes from a peace of mind of knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. —Coach John Wooden
成功来自于心理的平安,你知道你在自己能够做的范围内,已经尽了最大努力。 –教练 约翰-伍登